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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Update: Skateboard Poster Final


Final Posters didnt have the copyright so I have added it in and the poster is good to go.

Soldier -
Regular -

I have also included a time sheet tracking my progress.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Update: Skateboard Poster Final


To make the poster more interesting I added a shutter type look to it and smoothed out the edges of the skateboard. The final poster shows that the skateboard deck is tough like soldiers and was the main theme of the poster. There are two final designs. There are two designs that can be used for the final depending on what the client likes most.

1. The mobile poster design for the iphone/ipod 960x640
2. Poster design with the soldier from the skateboard holding the actual skateboard
3. Poster without the soldier

Download links for the posters are here:
Iphone-vertical -
Iphone-horizontal -
Posters - with soldier -
               without solder -

Friday, April 15, 2011

Update: Skateboard Poster Beta

Early versions and Solutions

So I was encountering some problems which was that:

1. Looked to plain
2. The Skateboard wasnt smooth around the edge
3. Needed an advertising line

Possible lines:

-Army Strong
-Tough till the end
-Ready for battle
-Weapon of choice
-Durable, Reliable and ready.

There are two possible designs of the poster so far and are still in the forming point.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Update: Skateboard Poster


This is more of the background work that was needed to be done to figure out how to do this poster.

So I just had to get a couple of pictures of grungy War type things for inspiration on this poster.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Digital Painting

This was just a small assignment we had to do that we had to basically turn a pic of a celebrity couple and make it look like a painting.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Skateboard Poster Step:1

Back in last semester we were given a project where we had to make a skateboard deck design. This semester we have to make a poster advertising it.

The first step to working on this poster is to just give a brief description of how much work was put into the skateboard and its background for its design.

The skate deck took me a few hours to complete and was the main concept of war. I had to tie in the idea of a "Predator" to the design and i right away thought of "War Predator" or a soldier. This concept was given by the design web I created that involved words like savage, strong, fierce, ferocious, powerful. This all tied in with the whole soldier design concept. This also ties into the colour scheme which was of a green camo color.

For the project we were presented with now I wanted to incorporate how tough a soldier is. This can work well with the skate deck because riders want that durability and toughness.